On this page, I showcase the projects I have completed both as a freelancer and as a programmer who simply enjoys writing code to create software. I like to build something from nothing and this also allows me to demonstrate my skills as a programmer.


2024 - I usually write code to create simple software to demonstrate my abilities. I have carried out several personal projects, not all of which are public. Recently, I decided to make Hourtask, a time tracking software, public, and as soon as it was public, I decided to make it open source. You can fork it or download it and use it personally. Made with Ruby 3 and Rails 6 and uses Sqlite3 as a database. For any other information or clarification, do not hesitate to contact me. Ciao!

single layout with comments and related posts
Hourtask home page


2020 - I developed my personal website using Ruby and Jekyll, where everyone can read about my work as a full-stack software developer. The website is a static site hosted on GitHub Pages.

single layout with comments and related posts
Italianolab.com home page


2012 - Developed one of the first Italian e-commerce websites in the supply of land registry and chambers of commerce information. (ASP web application). In 2010 I Developed the new prototype (the website exist since 2001) as back end developer coding the web application in classic ASP from scratch.

splash layout example
Telecertificati.it home page